Satya Prakash
English Grammar



English is a vast and rich language. There are more than 6 lakh words in its Dictionary and each and every year more words are being added to this. Initially, it was the language of English people. But as the English people ruled over many countries and about half of the world, people were time to time attracted or imposed to accept this language as means of communication. However, today, it has got its own importance as it has been recognised as international language and general means of communication.

Now, question arises that what is Grammar and why should we learn the Grammar. Whereas phonetics gives stress on accuracy of pronunciation, Grammar gives stress on correct form of writing. Grammar is the written form of Language but phonetics is the game of sound and pronunciation. Hence it is essential to learn English Grammar for the beginners of English. It needs more perfection and make them more perfect.


The word “Punctuation” is derived from the Latin Word ‘Punctum’ which means use of some signs or symbols at the time of writing a sentence. These symbols are:
1-Full stop or Period (.)
2-Comma (,)
3-Semicolon (;)
4-Colon (:)
5-Note of Interrogation (?)
6-Note of Exclamation (!)
7-Apostrophe (‘)
8-Inverted Comma (“… ” , ‘…’)
9-Dash (–)
10-Hyphen (-)

1- Full Stop : Full stop(.) is a point marking the end of a sentence, an end or a halt.
8 It is used at the end of a Declarative / Impera tive sentence.
Example: He is a Good Boy.
Open the door.
8 It is used to separate or to distinguish letters of abbreviation or first letter or names.
Example: M.A.
M.K. Hota
2- The Comma : The word comma is derived from the Latin Word ‘Koma’. In punctuation the point(,) that marks the smallest division of a sen tence, the smallest interval, breakor discontinuity. It(,) shows a pause between parts of a sentence or separating items in a list.
8 If a similar or same type of many words used to form a sentence then we use commas for dis- tinguishing and separating these words.
Example: (i) Pakistan, India, Nepal, Burma, and Bangladesh are neighbourers of each.
(ii) It is big, tall, and fat.
N.B.: Most of us don’t use comma before ‘and’ but it is wrong. We should use a comma before the ‘and’ also.
8 A comma is used after Nominative Absolute.
Example- (i) The work done, he went home
(ii) The wind being favourable,
the Ship sailed.
8 If there is Noun or Appositional phrase alongwith the Noun, we use comma to separate them.
Example- (i) Manmohan Singh, the Primeminister of India, visited America last year .
8 To separate the Nominative of address from the sentence :
Example- (i) Ram, come here.
(ii) Jadu , sit down.
8 To separate two or more adverbs or adverbial phrase Example- (i) Then, at a length, he suceeded.
8 Before and after a particular phrase :
Example- (i) Ashok, having conquered Kalinga, retuned to his Capital.
(ii) Jadu , sit down.
8 If any word or phrase or clause used in the middle of a sentence, then we use comma before and after that.
Example- (i) He is, I know, a fool.
8 If a word is omited in a sentence, then we use a comma instead of that word.
Example- (i) Rama received a pen, Hari, a pencil.
(ii) He will suceed, you, never.
8 To make separate to two ‘Co-ordinate Clause’ of compound sentence :
Example- (i) Walk quickly, else you will miss the train.

8 To separate the “Direct Speech “ from main clause:
Example- (i) “Exactly so” , said Ram.
He said to Nari, “what is the matter.”
8 Before Co-ordinating Conjuction : of compound sentence :
Example- (i) It is n ot wisdom, but folly.
(ii) He didnot go to school, for he is ill.
(iii) I would come, only I was engaged.
(iv) She must weep, or she will die.
(v) Neither a borrower, nor a lender too.
8 While we use a main clause after adverb clause, we use a comma to make them separate .
Example- (i) When I was bechelor, I cared for none.
(ii) If you want to be happy, please others

3- The Semicolon (;)
The point (;) is marking a division greater than comma.
Semicolon is more powerful than Comma.
8 We use Semicolon in order to show the clause separately in a compound sentence in which there are two clauses and comma.
Example- He was a tall, handsome youngman; and all liked him.
8 We use Semicolon where relation among the clauses is not clear or very negligible in a sen- tence.
Example- Today we love what we hate; today we seek what tomorrow we shun; today we desire what tomorrow we fear.
4. Colon (:)
It is derived from the Greek word’KOLON’ which mean limb or member.
Colon is more powerful than Semicolon.
8 It is used before a quotation ;
Example: Baccan Says : “ Reading makes fullman, writing an exact man; speaking a readyman .”
8 Colon is used before an example
Example : The principal part of a verb in English
Grammar are: the Present Tense, Past Tense, and the past participle.
8 It is used between two independent sentences which are linked meaningfully.
Example: study to acquire a habit of thinking : a study is more important.
5. Note of Interrogation ( ? )
Interrogation is a mark placed after a question. It is used at the end of a direct question.
Example: Are You hungry ?
N.B.: Remember that it is not used in indirect questions.
Example: He asked me if I was thirsty.

6. Note of exclamation (!)
The exclamation mark (!) comes from the Greek word”lo” which means I am surprised. It is used after the words or sentences which express joy, grief or some such all of sudden or strong feeling.
Example: Alash ! My dog is dead
Oh dear !
What a dark night !
O’ Father !
O’ Ram keep silent !
Ah, how cool it is !
Hush! The baby is sleeping.
Hurrah ! We have won the match.
Hello ! I have not seen you for a long time.
Bravo ! Well hit.

7. Inverted comma (“ …. ” , ‘ …’)
Invertaed commas are marks of quotation which is derived from L.,-Gr word ‘Komma .’ It means a section of sentence. It is used before and after a quotation.
Example :Ram said, “I am reading .”

8.Dash ( – )
It is a stroke(–) marked at a break in a sentence or else where. It is used when thinking is changed.
Example: If my brother were here –– but why think of it.
(b) To hold the clue of different subject.
Example: Friends, companions, relatives––all deserted him.
(c) It is an acute accent used in algebra and in lettering of diagrams as a discriminating mark.
Example: It is the report for the year
(d) It is a long element in the Morse code : verve and astenation.
9.Hyphen ( – )
It is derived from the Latin word ‘hi, fen.’ It is a short stroke(-) joining two syllables or words. Hyphen is smaller than dash in size. If some words form a word togather or if a word is formed with help of a roup of words to be used in a specific meaning then we use a hyphen to show separately these words.
Example: Passer – by

10. Apostrophe ( ’ )
Apostrophe is a mark {’} showing the omission of a letter or a letters in a word.
1- Where one or more letters are ommited in a word we use a apostrophe.
Example : Don’t
I’ ve
2- To show one’s possession :
Example : Ram’s book.
Hari’s house.
3- If any number or letter is converted to plural :
Example : (i) Add two 5’s and three 6’s
(ii) Dot your j’s and i’s
(iii) cross your t’s



We all know that there are 26 capital letters in English alphabet. But we donot know the proper use of them. It is used in the following places.
1- It is a large letter, in the form used at the beginning of a sentences:
Example : He is an honest man.
2- The pronoun ‘I’ is always written in capital letter.
Example : He and I will play togather.
3- The first lettter of each line of a poem or verse is a capital letter.
Example : Who has seen the wind ?
Neither I nor you :
But when the leaves hang trembling,
The wind is passing through.
4- Name of a person begins with a capital letter.
Example : Chiku and Kunu came to see Mr. Jha yeasterday.
5- Special names of towns, countries, streets, rivers, mountains etc begins with a capital letter.
Example : (i) Delhi, the capital of India, stands on the Yamuna.
(ii) Mount Everest is the highest moun- tain in the world.
6- Interjection ‘O’ is a capital letter :
Example : O’ Father !
7- The first letter of proper noun or adjectives made of proper noun is a capital letter.
Example : India, Indian, France, French.
8- The first letter of God (noun) or pronoun used instead of that is a capital letter.
Example : He saw before him krishna, the God, holding His flute.
9- The name of the months and days all begins with a capital letter.
Example : Monday, December.
10- If a letter used as “abreviation.”
Example : A.R.C.S., M.A.
11- The first letter of personfied objects :
Example: – O’ Solitude !
O’ Death !
12- The first letter of titles :
Example : His Majesty

123- The first letter of important words :
Example : the Reformation.


There are three Articles in English Grammar, Viz- the , a & an. All these articles used before singular form of a Noun and in the meaning of single or one.
Use of ‘a’ & ‘an’
If the first letter of any singular noun or adjective+noun word is a,e,i,o,u then we use an before that word, otherwise ‘a’ is used instead of ‘an’ . In other words we use a before a noun when it begins with a consonant. similarly we use ‘an’ before a noun when it begins with a vowel.
Example : This is an apple.
This is an egg.
This is an inkpot.
He is an Indian. ( Adjective + Noun)
This is an orange.
This is an umbrella.
Ram is a boy.
He has a pen.
Remember it : some of exceptionals are also there.
(a) If ‘u’(ଅ) vowel is used at the beginning of the word and pronounced with ‘eu’(ଇଉ) sound then ‘a’ is used instead of ‘an.’
Example : a University (ଇଉନିଭଲସିଟି)
a Union (ଇଉନିୟନ୍)
a Europian (ଇଉରୋପିଆନ୍)
a usefulboy (ଇଉସଫୁଲ)
a useless boy (ଇଉସଲେସ୍)
(b) If the ‘one’ word form a new word along with other word or form a ‘joint word’ then ‘a’ is used instead of ‘an’
Example : a one-eyed man
a one-rupee note
(c) If ‘h’ (ହ) consonant is used at the beginning of a word but pronounced as ‘u’ (ଅ ) instead of ‘h’ (ହ ) then ‘an’ is used instead of ‘a’ and if the pronunciation of ‘h’ (ହ) is ommited or if the ‘h’ remained silent /mute while pronunced.
Example : an honest man (ଅନେଷ୍ଟମ୍ଯାନ୍)
a history book but an historical novel
(ଷ୍ଟୋରିକାଲ୍ ନୋଭେଲ୍)
an honourable man. (ଅନରେବଲ୍)
an hostel (ଅଷ୍ଟେଲ୍)
(d) If vowel sound is pronounced before any abbreviation
Example : an L.P. school (ଏଲ୍.ପି.)
an M.A. student. (ଏମ୍.ଏ)
Use of ‘the’ (ଟି-ବାଳକଟି)
1) Before the name of a river :
Example : The Yamuna,
The Mahanadi
2) Before the name of a Religious Community
Example : The Hindu
The Muslim.
3) Before the name of Country’s people. (Proper Noun + Adjective)
Example : The Indian
The English
The Oriya
4) Before the name of a sea or ocean.
Example : The Atlantic Ocean.
5) Before the name of a Single mountain
Example : The Alps
The Himalayas.
6) Before a group of Islands :
Example : The Andamans
The Westindies.
Remember : ‘The’ is not used before a single island.
Example : ‘ The Cylon’ is wrong, it is ‘a Cylon’
7- Before the name of famous Religious Book:
Example : The Bible,
8- Before the name of Magazines and News papers:
Example : The Samaj
The Astarag.
9- If it is only the creation of the U niverse and there is no other substitute or second of the same then we use ‘the’ before that :
Example : the sky
the moon
the sun
10- ‘The’ is also used before the names of historical buildings :
Example :
The Taj Mahal
11- ‘The’ points out one person, animal, things or place from all others:
Example : Suppose a boy and a girl were present there , we write :
The boy was tall, but the girl was short.
Remember it –
(i) Generaly ‘The’ can not be used before any Collective Noun or Proper Noun.
Example : The Ram, The Cuttack, The milk, The water, The gold : these are all wrong.
(ii) If the speaker says about oneself or one’s own father, mother, sister, college etc.: ‘the ‘ can not be used.
Example : I met father at school. Brother saw me in the market. Gopal goes to school every morning.
In the above sentences if we write : the father, the brother, the school : it will be wrong.
‘The’ mean oneness.
‘a or an’ means any one of many whereas ‘the’ mean perticularly that one of many or that one.



There are two divisions of Number, viz ; Singular Number & Plural Number
Any Noun and Pronoun that stands for only one person, animal, place or thing is said to be in the Singular Number
Example : One man, one boy, one cap etc.
Similarly, any Noun and Pronoun that stands for more than one person, animal, place or thing is said to be in the plular Number.
Example : men, children, tables etc.
Let us have a discussion on the followings:
(A) Number of Nouns
1- Most of the Nouns are changed from singular to plural by adding ‘s’ to the Singular.
Example : book–books, horse–horses
2- Nouns that end in ‘hissing’ sound(ch,s,sh,ss, z, o or x)
form their plurals by adding ‘es’ to the Singulars.
Example : bench–benches, bus–buses,
box–boxes, brush–brushes
Princess-princesses, Topaz–Topazes
3- There are some Nouns which end in ‘y’ that make their plurals by changing ‘y’ into ‘ies’ to the Singular. Example : baby–babies, city–cities.
But if final ‘y’ preceeded by a vowel is not changed into ‘ies’ in the plurals, rather ‘s’ is added to the singulars.
Example :Ray–rays, monkey–monkeys,
donkey–donkeys, key–keys, valley–valleys,
holiday–holidays, toy–toys, way-ways.
4- Some Nouns which end in ‘O’ that form the plurals by adding ‘es’ to the Singulars.
Examples : hero–heroes, mango–mangoes
But some Nouns ennding in ‘O’ form the plural by adding ‘s’ only.
Example : Piano-Pianos, Photo–photos
5- Nouns that end in ‘f’ or ‘fe’ generally form their plurals by changing ‘f’ or ‘fe’ into ‘ves.’
Examples : calf–calves, thief–thieves, knife–knives.
Some exceptionals are also there like:
roof–roofs, dwarf-dwarfs.
6- Some nouns change the whole word–
Example : Man–men, child–children, Foot–feet,
ox–oxen, goose–geese, mouse-mice, tooth–teeth.
7- Some nouns do not change at all.
Example : deer–deer, sheep–sheep,
8-In case of Material Noun ‘s’ is not added in the Plurals.
Example : water–water, salt–salt, milk–milk, tea– tea, wood–wood, rice–rice, sugar–sugar
9- Nouns ending in eo, io, yo, or oo form the plurals by adding ‘s’
Example -cuckoo– cuckoos, Studio–studios, embryo–embryos, cameo–cameos.
B-Number of Pronouns :
A word used in place of a singular number of Noun word is called a singular num ber of pronoun. similarly, a word is used in place of a plular number of noun is called a plular number of pronoun.
A list of which is given below :
Singular Plural
I we
you, you you, yours
he/she they
me/mine our/ours
his/her their/them
myself ourselves
himself/herself themselves
yourself yourselves
It/this these
that those
C- Verbs : Number–
There is also certain changes in the form of verbs marked in two differen t plural and singular sentences.
Remembr that : A singular Noun or pronoun takes a singular form of verb.
(I)- In case of auxilary verbs –
1- Some verbs change the whole word.
Example : is–are, was–were, has–have
2- Some verbs do’nt be changed-
Example : had–had, will–will, shall –shall, would– would, should–should.
3- ‘I’( Pronoun) always takes the verb ‘have’ with it.
Example I have one brother. I have two brothers.
(II)- In case of Principal verbs –
In case of Principal verbs, no change is made. Only if the noun or pronoun is in 3rd person and singular number and if the verb is present indefinite form(used without helping verbs) then the verb takes the form like plurals. Example : He goes. Ram gives, shyam carries.
N.B. : But remember that it is not plural.


Useful to the Beginners
English Grammar

Search other Volumes I to VIII of the Compiler on :

Alphabet, Words, Phrases, Sentences, Eight Parts of Speech, Gender, Person, Clause, Narration, Tense, Future Time, Precis, Comprehension, Crafts of letter, Essay and Paragraph Writing, Change of Voice, Change into Negative Form and Framing Questions.

Printed by :
Press Bright Media,
Rajghat, Bhadrak-756100

First Edition-2008
Published By:
Mrs. Priyambada Sethy
At- Ranipada, P.O.:Tarago,
Mob.:9937181846 Price: Rs.7/-

Volume : II
Punctuation :
Uses of Capital Letters :
Articles :
Number :

Compiled by :
Satya Prakash Sethy
Inspector of C.S.O/O the ARCS, BDK. Circle, BDK.


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