Satya Prakash

My bio

1. Details about me
Name- Satya Praksh Sethy
Date of Birth-

Age – 51 yrs
Father’s Name- Purusottam Sethy, EX-M. L. A from Bhandari pokhari constituency (1980 – 85)
Gender- Male
State- Odisha
Nationality- Indian
Profession/Occupation- Sub Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Society
Postal Address:At-Ranipada, PO- Tarago , Via Bonth, Dist – Bhadrak , ODISHA, India, pin code – 756114
Mobile No-
Email Id-
Website –
Religion- Hinduism
Category- Scheduled Caste
Field of Activity – Arts
Sub field- Social Service, writing, acting scripting
3. Citation- In narrative :
Rendering services as sub-assistant Registrar under cooperation dept in govt of Odisha since twenty four years. Serving people with best satisfaction of govt and public with topmost sincerity and honesty. I enjoy the trust of people for my selfless performance, dedicated service, welfaric attitude, benevolence work and dauntless handling of situations.
I write poem,short stories, essays, scripts and autobiography, biography, research articles and also write in all most all literary fields both in Odia and English literature. Thousands of my articles and writings have been published in WordPress @ and and also in other e-magazines like aahwaan e-patrika and and some other e-magazines and portal also since my school career. I am writing mainly poems and stories depicting chiefly on social issues and same have been published in almost all leading magazines of Odisha and outside.Lots of my literary creations have also been published in daily news papers. Especially e-magazines like aahwaan e-patrika banamalli e-patrika and site allot me enough space for my writings bearing social comments. I am also editing one Odia magazine “Basanta Bahuda patrika.I’m using almost all social medias and site like twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, page, etc wherein I keep my literary works for public benefit and awareness.
Further I am engaged in imparting services to people through charitable institutions like Gangadhar seva sadan, Gopabandhu seva sadan, sai Kusum charitable Trust, etc. I work for needy people who are helpless and forlorned with hope of no help from any quarter.I stand before their sick beds and arrange help for education of their talented children. Even I spend my leisurely hours to render coaching and education to needy scholars in free of cost creating in them a zeal for a better career and future.
Not only a selfless social worker I am also a very good orator who goes amidst the people and make them aware of social ills and evils prevelant in our country, at present, I talk to them with a sacred mission of creating a congenial social environment in which all can lead a peaceful life by mutual cooperation and self help. A society free of selfishness, greed intolerance and avarice is my dream of life.
I have won a number of awards from different quarters for my noble works in different fields. I have been honoured by SCART ODISHA with “SAHITYA SARATHI “award in 2019. Further received many national level awards from Web portal. I’m a poet, Essayist, a story teller,grammarian biography and auto biography writer and laureate in one. I have written many research work, one of notable of them is” “SOCIO, CULTURAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMY OF ODISHA THROUGH AGES “in English. I used to write on different social and current topics to create awareness among downtrodden countryman. I ventilate educative messages for good of public and their awareness in different fields. I have tried a lot to boost the morality and self-confidence among the youth who have been despaired out of worries, lack of confidence and job opportunity.
Since my early youth I have managed to publish three story books, one anthology of poems in Odia which have gained worm acclaim from a large number of readers. Three story books are:
1.Gaonru pherichi gaon hajichhi
2Nila gaganar pathika
3Phusia Maa
and the anthology of poems in Odia is “Atma jeunthi katha kahe”. In addition to all those I have compiled the book “Capsule course of English Grammar”
In all above literary creation I have put emphasise on true meaning, purpose and different aspects of life. I have focused light on many social issues that can make readers vigilant against numerous problems earned from different quarters. I have cleared successfully the national level test for” Eligibility for lecturership and junior research fellowship award “conducted by University Granted Commission. Further more a number of regional and state level awards and honours have been rewarded to me for my outstanding literary contributions and ardent involvement in social works. I have also organised a number of blood donation camps and health awareness programmes for the betterment of public. Recently myself in association with Sai Kusum Charitable Trust started collection campaign in Bhadrak for assistance to matyres family of Phoolwama assassination and Fani super cyclone victims and send collected amount through collector, Bhadrak District.
I’m also film story writer and recently wrote the story for Bekari no 1. Further more I have written a number of stories for TV serials and episodes. In some T V programmes I have anchored for the episodes. Further I have played role in film “No 1 Bekari “and” Jhia Mo Jagata Jita” and also won best actor awards.
From my schooling life I have been keeping interest in different social works. My father was M. L. A from Bhandari pokhari constituency and I had provided him my lively support and cooperation in his social activities in establishing many schools, high schools colleges and other benevolent associations and institutions within his constitution area.
I used to form some groups of my friends to collect money and material for prompt assistance to victims of flood and cyclone and natural calamities occurred in different parts. I believe in sacred dictum of human service and accepts service to mankind as service to God.
I never think my literary pursuit and involvement in cultural activities are sheer vagaries done only for some entertainment shake. Rather I have accepted my literary and cultural activities as very powerful medium to create public awareness against numerous social malaises. It is true that even after seventy two years of independence society, at large, has remained vulnerable to number of superstitions blind beliefs and inhygenic practices for which people of this country suffer a lot for their innocent faiths and traditional practices. Indian society is not, yet, free from castism, parochial regionalism, religious intolerance and unhealthy social practices. I have decided to dedicate my whole life in eradicating these stigmas from indian social life,so that we can be boasted of a developed nation of ours.
Whenever I got a chance or a forum I make people aware of terrorism that has impaired our peace and prosperity. I try to render all moral support and assistance to our govt both at state and national level, in my personal capacity, against the terrorism.
In my view a life dedicated to the nation is worth-living. I perform all my works with that vision and attitude. Whether it is literatures or cultural activities or social service everywhere I dream a peice of a peaceful and prosperous India and all my time I intend to spend for the upliftment of culture and social life of my country.
4. Significant Contribution & Achievements-
I have contributed to both Odia and English literature fabulously. I have published three Odia books entitled – “Gaonru pherichi gaon hajichhi “, “Nila gaganar pathika “and” Phusia Maa”. Further one book of poems has been published in name of Atma jeunthi katha kahe “. I have also compiled a book of English Grammar under the caption” Capsule course of English Grammar.I’m also editor of one Odia magazine entitled “Basanta Bahuda Patrika”. Thousands of my articles also published in WordPress site vide
I have played role in film no1 Bekari and Jhia mo jagat jita “and won best actor award under the bannar of Kusum Entertainment production and also played some other roles in many other serial and TV shows. I have also anchored a lot of T V programmes.
I am a film story writer and script writer. I have also written story for the film Bekari no1.
I have got eligibility for lecturership from University Granted commission through a national level test and SCART Odish conferred a state level prestigious title “SAHITYA SARATHI “upon me considering my outstanding literary works in 2019.Ihave also received many national level award from story and other state and District level organisations.
5. Awards/Recognition received by :
Received many national, state and regional awards because of contribution in literary field as well as in social activities, bot some of notables given herewith :
iv) State Awards-1.Received “SAHITYA SARATHI UPADHI” (title) a state level award from SCART, ODISHA in 2019
2-Receuved PRATIBHA SAMMAN from Astaraga Sahitya Sanskruti pratisthan, Apitira, Balasore
3-Received SEBAJYOTI honour from Bhadrak District Trust Board because of significant service in social Work.
4-Received state level award NATYACHARYA PRATIBHA SMARAKI SAMMAN from Gana Natya Raghunath Panda Smruti Sansada.
5-Received MATIRA MAHAK award from Odisha Pujtapuja Parishad
6-Received BIDYALAYA RATNA SAMMAN from Tarago High School, Tarago
7-Received PRATIBHA SAMMAN from Dr Harekrushna Jayanti Committee for outstanding literary ability
v) National Awards-
2 Received a national level AUTHOR OF THE WEEK award, nomination for AUTHOR OF THE YEAR AWARD from STORYMIRROR.COM
3-the poem AYIKANTIKA ICHHA and MANA PARA GANGA JALA won award from storymirror in poem competition.
4-the story SAHITYIKA DHIRA BABU – EKA AKALAN, PHUSIA MAA and SARAGA TALE won best prizes from story mirror story competition
vi) International Awards-nil
6. Impact of the work done by :
Through my creative activities in literary field I have tried to through light on the plight of downtrodden people of the society who need our help and sympathy for their upliftment. As a state we can not breathe peacefully untill the peace and prosperity do not reach all the corners of the society.
Through my social and cultural activities I have tried to amiliorate the woes of afflicted people and provide them with their minimum requirements for sustenance. Awareness has been created so that they can save themselves from their health hazards, superstitions and religious intolerance that we need for a peaceful Co-existence.
Through my literary persuit, writing film scripting and playing role drama, stage show, films and T V serials I have tried to provide general public with minimum enjoyment and educative precepts as well.
The people of the countryman may remain in peace and harmony that is my wish:


——-Written by my self


You may believe or not

I will die tomorrow, it is must


What shall you do for me

Will you cry for a longer

Will you be ready to go with me

No, I know you can’t do that.

You can go up to my grave

You can observe my mourn

For maximum a certain period

Then you will all forget me

Forget my contribution and sacrifice

Forget my love and affection.

You can’t give back me all those

Only you can pay homage with a garland

That might be my reward

For the work of my whole life

However, I shall not be worried


————written by myself

Love my nation

Love thy people

Love thy literature

The ‘Odiya’ my mother- tongue

The pridest medium of expression

And communication, as an sanskrit born

Obliged,not that made my expression

So soften and lovely together

Because of……..

Owe to them, received from

Alms, a morsel of RICE

That’s the art of living, art of love

And very purpose of my life

Paying back, today, all these

Sharing it among you all

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