The other side of time
Why sometimes a wish arises in me
To return again to the past
To be again in those bygone days
To live those to their fullest blast
Sometimes I desire to become a child
Not because my heart wants to play
Just to watch the smile on my mother’s lips
And ours those laughter filled days
At times I think to return back in time
Turning to school student in style
Not to study but just to meet my friend
Who I have not met in a while
At times I sit and think shouldn’t time return
Of the marriage celebrations
To savor not the newly wed person
But moments of new connection
At other time I wish my kids were small
So I could sit with them and play
What I haven’t been able to do since
They have grown and gone their own ways
At times I wish that the first day at job
Was back in its own little right
Not because the chores were any day less
But for the first pay check’s delight
I aspire to traverse sometimes
Back in time the other side
Where everything that is deemed to be mine
Would not remain anymore beside
In the dry dried sands of time everything would
Be buried from my sight and hide
Tired I am having walked no stop for long
Yet the path seems to have no end
My body and my limbs beyond control
Suffering each day is my trend.
- The troublemaker
Corona has come brother corona has come
Devastating appearance
The more we hear the more panic sets in heart
Bears fears worst Countenance
How can we manage to fight against creation
The mind cant decide on a course
But we shall take precautions, tide overt
Countering this dangerous force
Let us all take an oath that we shall together
Seeing this possible danger
Be cooperative with each other and hold
Hands to bring in a game changer
The government has already under taken
Many a step in advance
Let us maintain caution and stay alert as well
Having on the progress a glance
To enter into a war with nature is big deal
Really it is a tough call
But we shall not lose our courage in the fight
And combat it with might we shall I
- The strange world
Human being is a very strange creature
Amazing is his addictions
To misinterpret and criticize everything
Seems to be his prime profession
When the slaked lime falls off the rolled betel leaves
He himself forgets everything
The chimes of rigid resistance chime in their tune
His disfigured form Projecting
The selfish man blinded by his self interests
tends to create so much ruckus
That is why there exist so many ironies
His mind is always in chaos
- The unbridled mind
Where for heavens sake has your sleep vanished my friend
Staying awake throughout the night
What all have you committed to the blank paper
That is not being understood right
I try to dissect and decipher your message
But fail to retrieve its nuance
Whatever you have been attempting to convey
Its objective or relevance
All things that were supposed as comprehensible
Remain vague needing an answer
The mind unbridled gallops hither and tither
the mouth Blurts out non stop chatter
Not forgettable are the abuses you hurled
With slangs accompanied by swears
How can I fail to recall those being totally lost
For my conscience i have to care
- Corona
Corona times are of times of great misconceptions
The kali yuga has begun
The strife in life has been multiplied many a fold
‘Friend Living is no more a fun’
Suspicions galore everywhere the gaze wanders
Restlessness is all pervasive
The distress continues and the sufferings persist
Body bears dreadful disease
How can we postulate when the day shall arrive
Signaling Corona’s ending
Right now it is erupting and spreads everywhere
With no sight of it subsiding
Such a sinner synthesized on surface of earth
The Dance of death and destructions
Friends and families stay safe and sound for the while
Time vanquishes all obstructions
- I would have trashed
I had also fasted on the day of Savitri brata once
Followed the rituals to core
Why has the Almighty the punished me so much
Who can tell me the truth once more?
Has anyone seen such a divine-being being quiet
Bereft of any compassion
What are his set of proscribed rules and laws to watch
Is beyond my comprehension
Thus unable I am to tolerate the heat
And in ego am I attired
If I met him I would have cursed to my heart’s fill
And from frustrations be retired
From the day you turned to adultery I desire
Not to see you ever again
During unpredicted times rules do not exist
And I could paint your cheek with pain
- Satyavaan
You sting your husband hard with your golden bracelet
For bangles and a sari new
However today you have been fasting day long
To eat just popped candied rice few
After your rituals you will make me wash
utensils with left over food
Keep your salutations and your vows to yourself
It will not do me any good
I am petrified having got beaten by your broom
And my heart is gripped with panic
I can no more endure your torture Savitri
I have turned already manic
I shall elope with someone that you don’t find me
However extended your search
Do you think I shall not find one more Savitri
Who will be with me on my perch!
- Oh Savitri
The wedded woman the faithful woman you are .. Celebrating savitri fast
Devouring fruits and roots wearing a new saree
You are going today full blast
Let vermillion adorn your hair partition
And you relish the marital bliss
Let your funeral pyre get lit with husband around
To bid you good bye with a kiss
I however cannot just bestow upon you
A boon such a this would have been
I have been fulfilling my duty as husband
And to remain so I am keen
We had been rowing the boat of our own world
Together with the oars in hand
How shall then I alone be able to steer it
Letting you go to never land
If at all we have to go we shall go at once
Or follow each other closely
But you shall not leave leaving me behind alone
Because this isn’t your path solely
What boon I shall reward you on this occasion
I cannot myself understand
Just give me your word today my companion
Together we shall always stand
-Translated by Dr Ranjit Sahu
Originally written by Dr Satya Prakash Sethy in Odia