Satya Prakash
English Poem

Samayara Arapari

  1. The hope

Wife and children all are getting disconcerted
Every day some rabble is roused
Which way does the time fly today I can no more
Keep a track of it in the house

Would jotting down result in felicitations
Nothing is straight business now
That is why all work is in total disarray
Poems are incomplete and slow

Even if I put these into black and white form
Would there be anyone to read
The opinions are restricted to Facebook
No one thinks comment a need

The press does not publish the writ material
The correspondents never print
Why then should I alone sit and spend time writing
My frustrations are the big hint

There is no more hope lingering in my mind now
My ego has taken beating
In retrograde is all my poetry today
I celebrate its retreating.

  1. Devalued

Through out my life I continued to work intensely
No one gave it any value
All those who I perceived as own and intimate
Have distanced themselves from me too

In the descending hours of my life today
Where could I ever shelter seek
I am shooed and booed and chased away everywhere
Such is my helplessness streak

Unaware I am of my own future today
And tomorrow is on its way
Whose feet shall I fall at to cry again next time
Remains unknown to my today

Why should one predict the future of another
Each should just do his own action
Whether one scripts in his hand his very future
Or trades it for malefaction

Only left is the value of my hard labor
Who shall I ask to value it
The world is so selfish and self centered today
No one gives any more credit

  1. Never Found Sai

The chants of Sai resonating everywhere
I did not find Sai anywhere
I suffer in sorrow don’t seek him in my joy
Agony follows everywhere

How shall I even keep chanting his name throughout
In wretchedness I languish
In the days of celebrations I need him not
But surely need him in anguish

How shall I get rid of this torment I know not
I find no solution or course
You are Ishwar, the omnipotent it is said
Why do not you nip sorrow’s source

  1. Love school

Once you have sough admission in the school of love
There is no scope of vacation
The mind is engrossed every moment just in love
With no escape, no exception

Once a person has fallen in love with someone
He certainly forgets himself
He lets go everything and gives his life as well
And destroys work of his own self

Can one expect to sacrifice his life and grow
Like the pink morning glory weed
The body however mixes in sand and soil
Creating again plants and seeds
Will the flowers bloom with your scent on those branches
Bearing in them your creed

  1. Come back again

Oh late Shri Atal Bihari Bajpayeeji
How determined were you in mind
Sinking us in the seas of sorrow you left
Leaving us all alone behind

Your memories create turbulence in heart
Forgetting is impossible
Is Maa Bharati so fortunate that she can
Bring you back alive and able?

Please return back Atalji to the country once
The country today longs for you
The soil air and water of this land shall miss you
As long as reigns strong your virtue

-Translated by Dr Ranjit Sahu

-originally written by Dr Satya Prakash Sethy in Odia

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